So Many Treasures, So Little Time!

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I admit it, I’m a jewelriholic! I love jewelry far more than any other accessory. The right pieces can totally revolutionize a look, becoming spicy or sophisticated all depending on the mood of the selections.

Lulu EarringsLeilani Necklace

I love coordinating the right treasures for the right occasions. It’s amazing how the same ensemble could be naughty or nice with different choices of accessories. I do so enjoy mixing & matching style to reflect the part of the inner me that goes with that day!

Victoria BraceletArianna Ring

You can never have too much jewelry in your collection! Whether it’s real or costume it’s all about the right look for the right moment in time. That’s why my large jewelry box is absolutely bursting at the seams with all types!

Check out the selections at my boutique, Orbb’s Fashion!